

so, i've officially (well, almost officially - as in, as soon as i post this post) finished my email/blog-checking time in about 25 minutes. which is good because i have quite a bit of reading to do tonight. and i spent some extra time on the elliptical machine this afternoon because jennifer aniston was on oprah!


"the dude" threw me for a loop this morning... "hey, why don't you interview this next one." eeeek!?!?!? you mean in front of you? right now? eeek.


i just realized that today is the 4 year anniversary of my grandpa's death.


funny quote of the day: "the patient (a 12 year old girl) came to therapy today wearing a shirt that read 'people like you are the reason people like me take medications.' " and all i can think is, who BUYS things like this for mentally ill kids?!?


Jen said...

Way to go on the 25 min or less...speedy gonzalez here! :-)


So, how did the interview go?!


Saddest...I didn't think of it until you mentioned it. It doesn't seem like that long, but yet it does all the same. I miss him...**sigh**


That is MESSED up!?!?! What the $#@!@ are the parents thinking! Maybe they should read it again and think...oh maybe it is ME that is driving my kid insane! I can't believe it!

Judy said...

I am so proud of you! Sounds like you are doing so great. How did the interview go in front of him?

I miss your grandpa too.

amanda said...

i'm 0 for 2 on the "in front of "the dude"" ... he did it again today, and it went miserably. today i just couldn't get the kid to talk (the kid was obviously acutely upset, but wouldn't tell either one of us what was going on...)

have i ever told anyone that i DON'T want to go into psychiatry?!?

amanda said...

blogger is being WEIRD. i just tried to post an entry, and there are "errors" whatever that means... so maybe you'll get to read it, and maybe you won't. but i'm going to bed now.