

that's how time is going. i'm not all that busy, and i'm not all that entertained in my spare time, but it's somehow going by SO quick... like i think one day i may wake up and my entire life have just rushed by. i mean, i'm practically 30.

maybe this feeling is exaggerated right now because my weekends have been very busy. very very fun. and very busy. it's made my chicago month race. unlike my last chicago month... but let's not relive that again...

weekend #1 - skinner came in from pittsburgh: we ate, we played games, we dyed her hair, we shopped. it was so fun to see her! here's one of the few pictures of our weekend. it was bright and sunny!

weekend #2 - sarah came into town for an interview and stayed with me at meridith's house. we went to dinner friday night, then helped meridith and her boyfriend with a puzzle (that took us a WEEK to finish, by the way), saturday morning she had her interview, then the four of us went out for a sushi lunch. sarah and i then took the train downtown where we intended to shop a little, then meet a friend for dinner. we only went to old navy so she could get a scarf and gloves... it was cold! then as we were heading towards the pub where we were supposed to be meeting our pal matt, we accidentally ran into santa claus. turns out, that night was the parade and fireworks show prior to the lighting of the michigan avenue trees. it was fun and pretty, and made us a little late. which turned out to be ok because matt ended up working a little late. we beat him there by about 10 minutes. after dinner, which was amazing! we met matt's friends and ended up staying out until about 3 am... (there was a small decision making session around midnight, when we would've needed to leave to catch the last train out... we decided to stay over with matt at his friend ryan's and take the train in the morning...) sarah was exhausted! she had been up since 5 am, and had only slept a few hours the night before! we headed out for the train station after a brief nap... made it onto the 8:30 train, which subsequently broke down and got back an hour later than it was supposed to. no matter though. we grabbed some breakfast and went back to meridith's where sarah showered and headed out for detroit. this is one of the only photos that i took before my camera batteries died. i had extras with that were also dead. sarah took a few, but she hasn't sent them to me yet.

weekend #3 - thanksgiving... i had about 5 full days off work and really wanted to come home. i decided not to since it's an 8 hour drive and i am coming home on friday anyway... now i'm even more glad that i didn't make the trip since everyone was sick sick sick. i ended up having thanksgiving with meridith's family on thursday. we put together another puzzle (it's possible we've become obsessed...). thursday night we attempted to do some pre-black friday shopping at some nearby outlet malls that had "midnight madness"... it was madness alright. absolute madness. we sat stopped dead on the interstate for an hour and a half... all three lanes of traffic. dead. stop. we ended up making our way to the left lane and skipping past the outlets and turning around at the next exit and heading home. we made it back home about 2, i got up at 4 to go to best buy (where the line was insane and they had hired a dj to entertain the crowds) to get my new red razr phone which is so so pretty and then went back home to bed. about 7 we got up and went to old navy. then back home and to sleep until about 11. later that night, we made a successful attempt at the outlet malls. which was fun and the weather was so nice. saturday i went with meridith's family to her sister's house in milwaukee. her neices are real cute. it was fun. when we were getting ready to go, the 2 year old was giving everyone kisses... she looked at me and said "camden, kiss?" it was so cute!

so that's about all. and really sums up my month here. the actual rotation has been a waste of time. but it's been easy and guilt-free to take time off to interview... i'm 3 down and have another in des moines on friday. then next week in kansas city. then??? not sure where... but there are a few left after that. i'm still waiting for one to jump out and scream "pick me"... otherwise, they have all gone very well and i could be happy at pretty much any of them.

there you have it. a post. and check out the ticker... 6 months. eek.


in which i say nothing witty.

as if anything i say is witty. but i like to humor myself anyway.


i'm staying with my best friend from college this month. and this weekend our other really good friend flew in from pittsburgh for girl's weekend. we had fun. and did girly things. like hair dye-ing and foot spas and shopping (but we were all really good and nobody bought anything!!!). and we went to meridith's parent's house... they have a new kitten and it's super super cute! and it really makes me want one!!


next weekend, my friend sarah comes into town. she has an interview at one of the residency programs here, and she's going to stay with meridith and it. it will be good to see her. though i'm not sure we'll do anything actually exciting. at all.


we don't have clinic until tomorrow afternoon. but i have to go in at 9am anyway... to discuss spina bifida. i'm mostly annoyed because i can't stand listening to mcgreasy speak. and it's highly possible that he intends to talk about spina bifida from 9am until noonish. and that makes me want to poke my eyes out.



dr mcdreamy (who truly does love me) has been replaced with dr disgusting. i'm not sure he's showered in the past couple months. he doesn't smell, but his hair is so greasy and out of control and probably hasn't been cut since the last time he washed it. ick. and he's weird. weird weird weird. and he thinks he's funny. but he's not. good thing for me he doesn't really work all that much, and i have to take a bunch of days off for residency interviewing and whatnot.


speaking of residency interviewing. i had my first one yesterday... and it went really really well. there were a lot of things about the program that make it very attractive. and several that make me want to run. the problem is, that's how it's going to be everywhere, and i have to be fair (to the programs and myself) and figure out a way to weight those things in order to determine where i would be the happiest. i know that i really really want to be in kansas city, but there are definite disadvantages to that program as well... so, i smell a big pros and cons excel spreadsheet coming my way! :-)


back to mcdreamy... i kinda miss him. and the rest of the PICU team. and him. it was by far the best rotation of my clinical experience thus far. (and not just because he's mcdreamy. though that didn't hurt...)