*it's fun to call my friends "colleagues"
here's a picture of what i stare at for hours a day... minus "the dude" and the patient...

as promised... i said i'd let you know what i ended up doing this morning. i went in about 7:45. it took me a little bit to realize "the dude" went in ahead of me (EARRRRRRLY this morning) and saw his patients, and signed off an imaginary note that i was to later fill in on my patients. that was nice of him, eh? (did i mention he's canadian?). when i met up with him at the residential facility (office shown above), he mentioned something about he thought about calling to have me go ahead and come in earlier. blast!
SUCKY! Oh well, like you said...he can't be a reference and you don't want to be a psychiatrist anyway...breathe...it will be ok...:-)
don't get me wrong... i really do enjoy this MUCH MORE than anything else i've done in the past couple of years. even though it's not great... it's still great, you know?
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