
and the award goes to...

amazingly, all of the people that i've been working with this month are WONDERFUL. and i'm not just saying that. BUT. i've met the winner of the one person i truly dislike on this rotation... here are two reasons why: (and these are the only two reasons because these are my only two encounters with the woman)...

1. yesterday at the private office, i was taking a patient out to get their next appointment scheduled, but neither of the secretaries were at the desk. so there's a woman standing there (who i've never seen before) who asks my patient and the patient's dad if she can help them. instead of letting them answer, i say "they need to schedule an appointment. are you able to do that?" (thinking this is a fair question seeing as how the two of us had never met, nor had any idea of the other's title.) she replies, oh so sweetly (or not.), "i'm a PSYCHOLOGIST. i don't DO THAT. you're going to have to get one of the secretaries to do that." me, thinking, "uh, yeah... but you asked if you could help..." she then turns back to the patient and her dad and says, "can i help you?" to which i again reply, "they need to schedule their next appointment." with that she walked away, and i waited for one of the secretaries to return to the desk to schedule said appointment for the nice girl and her dad.

2. then, TODAY when we got to the private office, i said to "the dude", "it's cold in here..." he replies, "you're right. here, take this stick and push that little thing on the ceiling, which is the thermostat, a little towards the red arrow..." (i'm not sure how this heating and cooling system works... but that's beside the point...) apparently the PSYCHOLOGIST's office is next door to "the dude's" office and she heard us talking about the temperature, and apparently her office is controlled by our thermostat as well. so she comes over to add in that she's freezing as i begin struggling to adjust the thermostat on the ceiling with the stick "the dude" handed me. she comes over to me, and homegirl TAKES THE STICK OUT OF MY HAND - and says "here. i'll do it. this affects me too." to which i replied, "uh, i'm fully capable of moving the little arrow thing with the stick." and then she left.

and so, the aforementioned first-person-i-truly-dislike-at-a-rotation-site award goes to.... drumroll please....

the PSYCHOLOGIST. (she's not really THE psychologist. just the PSYCHOLOGIST... as there are many other psychologists who work at the private office who are very nice and helpful... just like all the other people i've met on this rotation.)


Judy said...

There has always got to be one in the crowd....Hang in there...lol. Glad you stood up for yourself. "HOW RUDE"

Jen said...

Can we say "POWER TRIP?" much? What crawled up her butt and died?! Get a life! I too, am glad that you stood up for yourself! :-) Did "the dude" say anything after that encounter happened in front of him?