i'm grateful for...
1. my fiance. :) oooh fun... a picture... it's small, but you can see it bigger at our photographer's website if you want! we have a lot of goofy looks on our faces. and we aren't always looking where we are supposed to. but there are a few of them that i'm in love with.

for more photos, go to http://www.joyfulphoto.com/ (i can't remember how to make the link clickable...) and click on portraits, then clients and the password is d+a.
2. we close on our new house next week. it's so lovely! how about a picture?? we'll move all our stuff there next weekend. i'll move in after this month is over, and derek will move in after we get married. yay.
3. wall paper strippers. we have a lot of hideous wall paper that i was going to be stripping on my own... BUT... we decided to hire a couple of ladies to do the job for us! thrilled with that decision!
4. the upcoming end of the PICU. followed in a few months by the upcoming end of residency.
5. my new grown-up job. i start mid-july. it will be scary and exciting.