

my new car is super cute. and fun. and has a sunroof. and power doors and windows. and cruise control. fun.

so, the story behind deciding to buy the new car... a friend of mine is going through a really hard time and all of a sudden found himself in need of a car with no feasible way to get one. and then i started thinking. thinking about how many people helped me get that car... the one i got right after the accident when i had virtually no money. and realized that i no longer needed to be driving a car that was virtually given to me. and i truly felt like God was asking me to reach out to this guy. so i did. and i sold him my car. which meant i needed a new one... so i could get to work. so derek came down and we went car shopping. :)


speaking of derek. he's at cancer camp this week. and when people at work ask about him and i tell them that, he becomes that much greater in their eyes. and mine. i like being proud to talk to my friends about him. i like that people can't wait to meet him. and that they love him when they do. he's pretty amazing.


Jen said...

Love the car. Love your big heart. Love Derek. Love you. But I don't "LOVE LOVE" Derek, you know...I wouldn't kiss him in front of you and then wonder why you are mad. hehehe! Heart!

P.S. For those of you wondering...NO I DID NOT ACTUALLY KISS DEREK!!

Mel said...

What a cool car!!!

What a cool Boyfriend!!

What a cool Aunt Melodie you have ...hehe

dawn said...

vroom. love the new car. it's a ford...but i can certainly deal.

awesome boyfriend. it make me happy that he makes you so happy. boys are good most of the time.

amanda weber said...

cute car. i'm really digging the color. but, i have to ask, why did you get such a big car with gas prices so high. don't you care about the environment?

also, i like derek. and i love that you like him.

also, i have to disagree with dawn's statement that "boys are good most of the time." that is NOT the way i was brought up to believe. wink.

Christy said...

is it a hybrid?

Clog Nana said...