
scoring big time points.

what a special birthday. pictures to follow... let's just say this: customized coffee mug with our picture on it AND surprise happy birthday flowers at work? you are really, really good.


Judy said...

You are really really good....and i love you very much...HAPPY BIRTHDAY. and i like him.

dawn said...

That is so exciting...I can't wait to see pictures! eek!

Jen said...

I didn't know there were PICTURES! What's with the hold out?! Miss you and I am sad I missed your bday dinner! :-( I hate moving. Heart!

Clog Nana said...

I am just far enough away to miss everything. so sad (belated birthday cards can arrive anytime, don't ya know.) hint, hint, wink wink.

Christy said...

Loved the mug!