
man, you guys are needy.

in the last 24 hours, 4 of you have asked for an update. so i'm updating.

the last two weeks have made up the "holiday block" of my intern year. i worked about 100 hours the first week, and have had the second week off. i didn't do much of anything. a little of this, a little of that. spent christmas eve with the family. spent new years eve with jen and bob. and decovin. who is so much fun right now. saw a movie. ps i love you. ugh. it was so good, but it was so incredibly sad. and other than that... well... not much going on.

and i have to go back to work tomorrow. boo. i DID get my house un-decorated for christmas, which was a big accomplishment. perhaps the biggest of my vacation.

now, aren't you glad you begged for an update? hopefully next week, there will be more excitement to entertain you with. :-)


Jen said...

We are needy and aren't afraid to admit it! :-) Thanks for the update and for coming over on New Years...oh and P.S. you left some toiletries in the bathroom...face wash, conditioner, shampoo, etc. :-(

Clog Nana said...

A reason to return. You have to read between the toiletries. lol

Thanks for your morsel of news. I love reading all the blogs. I check about 3 times a week. So you know I am needy!!

dawn said...

i bet decovin is so fun right now! He's about the age of my nephew right? And he is absolutely hilarious right now!

gjlac said...

I check the blogs everyday to see if a new one has been added or a new comment. Thanks for the new news.

gjlac said...
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Judy said...

It was good to see you on Christmas Eve...and i saw you on Sunday at church....hmmm...wish i had rated another visit in there somewere...but i take what i can get...LOL...love you

Jen said...

Would it be rude to ask for another update even though it hasn't even been one week yet? :-) i'm really needy this week and bored!

Clog Nana said...

Yeah, I am stuck at home looking for family news daily now. I need, I need!!!

Jen said...

Still needy...I want, I need, I pine!

Jen said...
