i'm currently working in columbia at university hospital. doing peds heme/onc. it's not as sad as i thought it would be. mostly because our patient census is fairly low. i did do a nice presentation on neuroblastoma friday morning. go ahead. ask me anything.
it's also mostly fun being in columbia because of the close proximity to family and old friends. i live with a good friend from high school who is currently working at MU.
i got to go hang out with stacy and the kids on a week night. that was fun. like staying out late on a school night. and i'm going to try to make it for abby's gymnastic practice. she showed me some of her tricks, and let me tell you... it was impressive. ;-)
next weekend will be busy - hanging out with some college friends friday night. hopefully hanging out with jen and stacy and their kids saturday night. watching ruth clog it up sunday afternoon. fun fun fun.
philly was a good time. here's a hot photo of tanner and i after boards were done. yippee.

and the other side of the table... jamie and marc.

and the next day we went walking around downtown. we saw the famous sites... dawn, remember when we found the liberty bell and it was glassed in and you could barely see it and you definitely couldn't photograph it because of the glare of the flash and you had to use a flash because it was dark out? well, they've built a huge building/museum around it. it was kinda nice, and HIGHLY "secure" as we had to remove our coats and go through metal detectors to get into the building. the security guards were hardly paying attention to us as we went through though. they were discussing someone's "baby daddy"... one of the guys pointed out that he'd never heard anyone use that phrase so seriously before. it was a good time. then we started the independence hall tour, but became quickly bored, so we skipped out. then we found a cute coffee shop for a quick pick-me-up. all in all, not a bad trip. except that boys are obnoxious. and especially those boys. but we had fun.

wow Tanner is HOT!!!
No life!! Excuse me out with three guys and four states from home sounds a pretty exciting life to me!!
Well you are cute together!! And what is that huge drink in front of you?? Hummmmm......
Wait a minute.... which one is WARREN???
tanner is cute. hmm. I'm jealous of that pic of the liberty bell. wow. with the hall behind it. yeah. we just went to close to 9/11 I guess. oh dear. can't wait to get together. we have a billion things to catch up on. :) Sounds like you are having a great time. I recall us having no life at your mom's. We sat all day for like 11 hours and watched date story, baby story, wedding story. That was fun! :)
Saturday might be out...we decided we really wanted to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at Union Station and Taba & her hubby were going so we decided to go ahead and tag along...SOOOOO...it starts a 12:30 and I think it will only last a couple hours, but I know I won't feel like driving back to his parents house (to pick up D) then back to Warrensburg and then 2 hours to Holt's...so maybe we might take a rain check...but are you still up for the 24th scrap-a-thon?
mel, hehehe.
clog nana, ok, philly was exciting; and the drink in front of me was water with lemon; and warren... i think he got the dates wrong... maybe he's in philly this weekend?!?
dawn, that's hystercal. i don't remember watching a baby story while you were here! i usually try to have more exiting things planned for guests... we'll have to think of something good for next month!! i can't wait to see you!!! really though, we have enough to talk about that we won't really need anything exciting to do... maybe we can go to grande rio!! mmmmm.
jen, saddest. and yes, i'll add the 24th to my calendar now. did you find the number or do you want me to call? and who all is going?
mmmmm i love grande rio!!!! woohoo. my husband didn't like it much but now I've broke him in!!! Sounds like a date
I will call, but I am waiting to hear from Kim...she said she wanted to check her schedule and possibly go also...
So little of a life that you have posted twice this month already...phew...SLOOOWWWW down! LOL! Love you!
i'm telling ya. boring.
So, you're in Columbia now? That's not far away at all. That's where my brother and his family are as well as Sandy! Hmm University Hospital..is that near Stephens College? Or is it on MU campus?? I'm terrible about keeping up with you, so sorry! Sounds like life is going good for you right now! Would love to hear from you sometime...I don't have a blogspot or the like yet.
hey rachel!! i'm in columbia for the next week and a half or so... then off to kirksville... then i'm done... and yessiree! that is exciting!! good to hear from you... we'll have to talk sometime soon!
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