
stabbed through the heart by a little asian man.

living alone definitely has its perks. but i've been pretty lonely lately. and i just had a run-in with a lonely bug. i decided... after working all day long in the ER (which i HATE)... that i deserved some chinese delivery... there is a wonderful chinese place that delivers piping hot goods directly to my door in minutes (sometimes it takes a little longer, but seriously, one time it was 8 minutes...)... but i've discovered that asians must hate single people. you have to order $12 worth of food to get it delivered. so you order one meal and 27 side dishes, or you order 2 meals. for one person. and since i almost can't live without crab rangoon, i order that too... and so now i'm spending $17 to get the food i want at the price they'll send it for... and i'll eat chinese for a week. i guess there are worse things in life... but right now, i can't think of very many.


Mel said...

Sorry you are so lonley right now.. Love you Lots!!!
Seems to be a pattren of lonley going on...

Jen said...

I'm so excited you are coming over tonight so we won't be lonely together! :-) Heart

dawn said...

mm i love chinese. reminds me of gilmore girls. they always order a ton cause they can't decide what they want.

Clog Nana said...

I don't mind chinese. Ragoon is very much my favorite.

Abby calls it the loquat place. lol

Hope you are having a better day/week. Hugs

Jen said...

Dawn: I LOVE Gilmore Girls and was very sad when it ended and how it ended...but I am a "Happy Ending" kind of gal...even though it was a semi-happy ending...just not MY happy ending...ok, I am rambling now. ha!

gjlac said...

Yum. I love Chinese too. We had it for dinner yesterday but it was the all you can eat bar. Nothing to bring home that way. (Sad)

How long does it take you to go to Jen's? It will be longer when she moves to Burlington.

Cheer up! The boys will give you a pick me up good time.

dawn said...

JEN---yay...another gilmore girls junkie...i have all 7 seasons. well i used to. i loaned them to my sister in law, then to my niece who in turned loaned them to my mom..then my aunt, and then a cousin. even my husband loved them! i was okay with the ending. i wasn't always a huge logan fan. however, i would have liked to see more of luke/lorelai...
okay..now i'm just abusing camden's blog space...

dawn said...

jen again...oh yeah...i cried when it was over. and..i'd really like to visit stars hollow.

Jen said...

Yes, I agree with the Luke/Lorelai thing...they just kept teasing us with their relationship and we never got a good feel for it. It was like the dangling carrot...I guess that is why we kept watching and my hubby watched it too, even though I doubt he would admit it! Ha! Oh and I totally cried too...hubby was all: "Are you crying?!" "YES, Shut up!" haha! But I cried when my other favorite series ended also, Roswell.