
validation. times two.

"Oh I was going to tell you, THANK YOU for the cholestrimine (sp?) vaseline goo stuff...his butt is almost all healed...it is still pretty pink but no longer BRIGHT red. YOU ARE AN AWESOME DOCTOR! HEART BIG TIME!"

wanted to give you a compliment while i am thinking about it. linda, the nurse prac, just came into rounds and asked "who wrote the admission note for cole?" she thought it was top notch, very well done....she said it was easy to ready and said it was "attending level."
job well done....i am proud of you! it is great to see fellow DMU alums doing so dang well.
you go girl."


Mel said...

HAIL to the DR!!! you are the best!!! wish you could make my stuff go away :(

amanda weber said...



Jen said...

thanks again for healing my baby's bottom...it is still a bit red...but NOTHING compared to what it was...THANKS!