i finish up with the kidney doctor tomorrow. he is very nice to work with. mostly because i don't really do any work. almost none at all. he does give me some reading assignments that we then discuss. but other than that. nothing. like today. we saw two patients in the hospital. neither of them terribly exciting. then we talked about aminoglycoside nephrotoxicities (you don't care, i promise). and then i'm done. i've been done since 9:45. a whole day of work in an hour and a half. so what am i to do with the rest of my day... i'll do my best to find something. i'm supposed to read about henoch-schonlein purpura, minimal change disease and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (again, i promise you don't care). at least he does a good job of making me read things that are related to pediatrics. so i partially care. because at this point (you know, two months before graduation)... the motivation to read something that you are even deeply interested in runs very, very low.
i've otherwise been spending my time browsing through apartments near my hospital... trying to pick colors for the scrubs that the hospital is buying for me... attempting to plan the events of graduation week... etc etc etc. i'm getting pretty excited about the time i have between the end of rotations (april 13th) and the beginning of residency orientation (june 18th)... i'll do some subbing so i can afford to buy fun things for my new apartment (which i think i will be sharing with angie, who is my pastor's sister... and very fun)... i had to get rid of a bunch of my stuff when i moved out of my apartment in des moines - i had no way to transport it all and nowhere to store it, so i ended up giving a lot of it to the salvation army. kinda sad, but most of it was pretty junky anyway. not that i'm going to be replacing it with fancy-ness. but whatever. i was looking online at ikea.com and nebraska furniture mart last night at furnishings, etc. fun fun.
and just because even a boring update is more fun with a picture or two... i'll give you these. i don't think i've posted them before. and if i have, well... they're cute. and you'll get over it. :-)

jen and i, making st. patrick's day an official tradition... 2007 above, 2006 below... if it's even possible, i think we're even cuter now than we were then... ;-)

this photos was taken on our way to aunt ruthie's for a pampered chef party, stopped at sonic, if i remember correctly.

and a fun photo of my friend dawn (aka darrin) and i when she came to visit me here in kirksville. this is at thousand hills state park, just north of town. it was pretty.
cute pictures! :) I love st patrick's day! lol
You are getting so close! Glad that the doc isn't overworking you. Still. What to do in Kirksville with free time. Hmmm I guess drive by and mock the blond in sunglasses selling pizza.
Well, I promise you that I do care about the gross and disturbing diseases you learn about so when I feel like I have an ailment I can say I have aminoglycoside nephrotoxicities...ha! j/k!
Love the pics and I LOVE and MISS Ikea! They have great simple items that work wonders...our bed frame and side table in the extra bedroom are from Ikea...LOVE THEM! Anywhoooo...
i'll tell you about the diseases tonight. or while we are driving tomorrow. because i promise you... you're the ONLY one who reads this who cares. hypochondriatic fool.
dawn, the pizza girl musta got fired! there's a new one! strange!!
I'm not a hypochondriac...I just pretend to be one on tv.
i wish you could see me rolling my eyes at you.
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