
don't forget breakfast.

the other day i almost passed out while holding a retractor in a woman's vagina. it was a long long case, and even though i had eaten breakfast, and i didn't feel particularly hungry, i all of a sudden started to feel like i was going to vomit. then i started sweating and the doctor looks up at me and asks if i'm ok. i mumble something about not feeling well, and he told me to step back and sit down. the circulator (the nurse in the room who is not sterile and gets things for those of us who are sterile) put a wet towel on my forehead and lectured me about the importance of eating breakfast. it wasn't a lecture really... she was super nice. i ended up leaving the room and eating some peanut butter crackers and orange juice. i felt much better afterwards. but what i learned from the scrub tech (the person in the room who is sterile and hands all the instruments to the surgeon) is that it's always better to step out as soon as you start to feel that way. the last thing you want to do is fall and contaminate everything. now THAT would be embarrassing.

and always eat breakfast.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am so glad you didn't vomit or pass out with your face in a woman's vagina...how gross would that have been for the patient...haha! Sorry, don't mean to laugh but you have to admit the visual of that is pretty funny! Love you!