

a. long. day. 7 am to 10 pm. and it's not like last month where i just slept over at the hospital and left at noon the next day. i have to be back in at 7 am. and i'll be there until 5. at least in the afternoon tomorrow we have lecture, so it will be less work. but more stress as it turns out, as i haven't looked at the lectures or discussion questions. can you say not good?


in other news. two days left, and i'll have another month under my belt. insanity, i tell you. BUT... the good news is that i am starting to be able to see that you will be comfortable with things by the time you are in residency and confident in your skillz by the time you are an attending.

i'm amazed at how much fun it is when you actually have kids coming in. you know. sick ones. and there are things to think about. and stuff to read about. and it's kind of like a game. 308 is spiking fevers, give him some tylenol and keep a close eye on him overnight. 305 isn't eating well, start her IV fluids back up. 415 is eating like a champ, stop his IV fluids. 413 has an oozing sore behind her ear, culture the drainage and start IV antibiotics. it's fun, actually.

i'm dreading the end of this month just a little bit. this will end my 3 month stint of seeing only pediatric patients. i will now delve into the world of adult medicine. which will undoubtedly be much more like work and much less like a game. hopefully i can find ways to amuse myself amidst the dreaded mile long lists of medications. i'm going to miss all the cuteness though, that is for shizzle.


Judy said...

I am so glad i have such a smart kid....lol. You make me look good...lol....but baby its all you!!! Keep up the good work...it will all be worth it in the end. Love you!!!

Jen said...

In the words of Napoleon Dynamite: "That's AWWWESOME!"

Missing you tons!