

so much happened yesterday.

i got my ob rotation approved in chicago. i called meridith's mom to see if i could stay at their house in december. how fun!

big red and i bought plane tickets to daytona beach!!! :-) we leave in a week and a half. we'll stay with her grandparents, but that's not going to stop us from getting C-R-A-Z-Y!! ;-)

we also bought tanning packages last night. we figured we'd do a little rush-pre-tanning in order to allow for increased ability to lay on the sun from dawn til dusk. the high life awaits us.


i came to the realization yesterday that i know why our school notoriously does poorly in the behavioral medicine section of boards! the cram 40 lectures and 2 exams into two weeks. there's absolutely no time for digestion. no wonder we dont know anything about the superego.


a side note, one of my roommates truly believes that strawberry air spray from dollar general will mask/reverse/make pleasant the smell of her poop. i have news for her.

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